20 Minute Kettlebell Fat Loss Circuit

Tabata Circuit #1 One Arm Swings and Pushups

One Arm Kettlebell Swings (awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Pushups x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

One Arm Kettlebell Swings (less awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Pushups x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

One Arm Kettlebell Swings (awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Pushups x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

One Arm Kettlebell Swings (less awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Pushups x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Tabata Circuit #2: Squats and Bent Over Rows

Squats (kettlebell racked with awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Squats (kettlebell racked with less awesome arm) / Rest x 10 seconds

Bent Over Rows (awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Bent Over Rows (less awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Squats (kettlebell racked with awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Squats (kettlebell racked with less awesome arm) / Rest x 10 seconds

Bent Over Rows (awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Bent Over Rows (less awesome arm) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds


Tabata Circuit #3: Two Arm Kettlebell Swings and Prisoner Lunges

Kettlebell Swings x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Prisoner Lunges (alternating legs) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Kettlebell Swings x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Prisoner Lunges (alternating legs) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Kettlebell Swings x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Prisoner Lunges (alternating legs) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Kettlebell Swings x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Prisoner Lunges (alternating legs) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Tabata Circuit #4: Plank and Bridge

Single Leg Bridge (awesome leg) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Plank x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Single Leg Bridge (less awesome leg) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Plank x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Single Leg Bridge (awesome leg) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Plank x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds

Single Leg Bridge (less awesome leg) x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds
Plank x 20 seconds / Rest x 10 seconds


My Favorite Fall Recipe
